Audacity is one of the most popular audio editors. While this can be done using one of numerous sites online, an audio editor program is suggested to allow customizing or trimming of audio files. In order to add sound files, you must put it in the proper format (.ogg). Visual Studio Code – More complex Text Editor better suited for those who have experience with working in Text Editors.Notepad++ - A very lightweight Text Editor.Many File Editors assist with formatting these files and making sure proper syntax is used, as well as help organizing files in a project. Making a resource pack involves creating JSON text files, which can be tricky to use and format correctly. MacOS has a built-in file archiver called "Archive Utility" that can be used, but if an alternative is wanted, The Unarchiver also works. To access the base assets of Minecraft to edit textures, models, or sounds, a file archiver is needed. There are many tools that can help mitigate these issues, some of which are listed here. There are many rules that must be followed in order for add-ons to work correctly, most notably how the files are formatted. This tutorial is geared toward the latest release of Minecraft, which is currently 1.20Ĭreating custom files for Minecraft, whether in the forms of resource/data packs or mods, is somewhat technical and can be difficult. As such, what is written in this tutorial may not apply to every situation, but in the case where the difference is significant and specific, it provides a framework on the changes needed for different versions. Since the files are essentially code, there are technical rules for how to format files and certain things may change from version to version. This tutorial is meant to help with setting up the file systems in order to implement them. Minecraft has a unique mechanic that allows for text and media files to be added to the game files that allow for everything from custom block textures and models to custom credits and sound events.

It is also suggested that you never extract game files to your desktop, as it can result in technical issues. In any case, you should always follow the Terms and Conditions on the Mojang Studios website.